

You could be in captivity RIGHT NOW and not even know it!!


keys to freedom

Soul bondage reveals the keys to loosen where you may be bound, whether it is emotionally, financially or spiritually. If you are ready to break the bondage attached to your soul and are tired of seeing the people you care for continue to suffer without any solution to offer them, then this is the book for you. Break cycles of lack and shame then offer others an opportunity to live in freedom as well.

Speaking Engagements
Man, I live for the opportunity to share the principles of deliverance. Small groups, book clubs, congregations, bible studies, local and abroad...Book now

the principles

Using a Hebraic Pauline biblical worldview, I explain how Y’shua and Paul both warned us of the natural principles that could bind us spiritually, financially, and emotionally. These are seen as archaic today, but they are the same principles used by the adversary. You will learn how to fight in the heavenlies using a legal model which is advanced tactical spiritual warfare.

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A point of decision

"Like so many other people, I too hit my pitfalls. My young adult choices led me into a lifestyle of sexual promiscuity, mischief, and self-destruction. I remember one night while sleeping on a couch, when I was homeless, hearing a couple fight. With a butcher knife clutched under my pillow, I prayed; Father, if you will get me out of this, I will serve you. I see the pain… and the hurt… I get it."

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I will love to hear from you. If you have questions or testimonies use the resources below. For booking use the form above.


+ 614-600-1377


Columbus, Ohio